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As school season comes closer we can see how things have changed numerous schools and universities are transitioning to online including my university. I hope these tips can make your transition to remote learning a little easier.
Find your Workspace
I can admit it's very tempting to stay in bed and do your work. But getting out of bed not only helps you not fall asleep but it wakes you up and gets you moving and started for your day. Think about where you normally like to study. If you usually study in a coffee shop or library see if you can recreate that at home.
Make a Schedule
Learning at home requires a lot more self-accountability which can be challenging at first, but I know you guys can do! I made the perfect distance learning planner to keep you motivated and productive during remote learning! When you schedule be sure you have enough time in your week for all course activities and try to schedule in self-care time.
Stay Motived 
Find things that motivate you to keep going and set goals for the week.
 Staying connected with your friends can help motivate you although you can't study together like you usually would your friends and classmates can be a great way to stay motivated. You can set goals and tell your friends about these goals to keep you accountable.   You can also write down your goals on post-it notes or a whiteboard, so you have visual reminders to help you stay motivated.
Make the most out of video lectures 
It can be tempting to record the lectures and go straight back to sleep but taking notes from lectures is important. During lectures cut out distractions, I know I can't commit to studying Organic Chemistry when I'm constantly getting text and Tik Tok notifications. Try to take notes like you normally would in class.  
Ask for Help
Professors and teachers are still there to help you and they want to help you. Reach out to your school's tutoring services if they are still providing remote opportunities or schedule office hours with your professors. If you still need help YouTube is your best friend! There are so many Youtube channels around all types of topics.
I hope you all have the best semester, you got this!
4 Things I wish I knew as a Pre-PA in Hi
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