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4 Things I wish I knew as a Pre-PA in Hi
I can relate it can hard to find time to spend time with God whne your juggling studying for your anatomy exam, volunteering, and holding leadership opportunities.  But these tips can help you find time.
Tip #1 Find the Best way that you connect
There are so many different ways to spend time with God. You can listen to your favorite worship songs, bible journal, or listen to sermons just to name a few. But finding what works best for you helps you implement spending time with God much easier.
Tip #2  Look closely at your schedule
Take time to look very closely at your schedule. Spending time with God does not have to take 3 hours.  When you spend time with God its all about quality over quantity. Everyone has at least 5 minutes in their day to devote to God. Look closely!
Tip#3 Listening
 Listening is a great way to spend time with God when you're on the go. You can listen to sermons, Christian podcasts, or Audio versions of the Bible in the car on the way to work, school, when your studying, cooking or cleaning. 
Tip #4 Set a time 
You can set a specific time to spend time with God. This could be waking up 5 minutes earlier to read your Bible. Or setting the last 10 minutes of your day before you go to bed to reading a devotional. 
YouVersion Bible App 
My Quiet Time Spotify Playlist 
Spending time with God doesn't have to be hard simply praying and talking to God about your day. 
Let me know how you spend time with God below
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